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Powerful way to market affiliate products

Pay per click can be a very powerful way to market affiliate products. The reason is obvious as with pay per click you get instant access to targeted traffic. The challenge for most people with ppc affiliate marketing is that they end up spending way too much in advertising and thus make no real profits.

It is important to track all your efforts carefully when using pay per click. Use the conversion tracking features that comes with most ppc programs such as google adwords. Also remember that not all keywords are created equal. Most keywords people are searching for information and are not ready to buy your particular affiliate product or service. Brand or product name searches are much more targeted but always follow the rules of the ppc providers as many do not allow you to bid on certain brand names.

It is often a good idea to use a lead capture page when you are targeting the information seekers as this way you can give them the information they are after and at the same time capture their e-mail so you can market to them in the future. Hopefully they will like the free info you give them upfront and this will help to build trust and thus when you do recommend a product they will be much more responsive than if you had sent them directly to the sales page off the ad in the first place.

Unless your affiliate product or service is well recognized as a trusted brand, you will most likely have to build a relationship with your visitors before you can expect them to buy your affiliate products. For more detail go to:www.greatpromotionsite.com. This is why using an auto responder email series can be very helpful as it can allow you to offer quality free information and give you the chance to gain the trust of your visitors. Remember people do not like being sold to; most people buy off referrals from sources they trust, so you need to become that trusted source.

To help attract people to sign up for your newsletter you can offer them a free report of some sort related to what they are searching for. Also keep in mind that it can take anywhere from 5 to 7 emails before most people will buy anything from you so in the first email do not push any of your products, just give them good quality information that can help them. Slowly start introducing and recommending products and try to make your products fit into the content of your email so it does not appear like blatant promotion on your part.

Some of the best affiliate products to promote can be those where you get paid per lead such as those being offered by credit card or insurance companies where you get paid anywhere from every valid lead you generate for more help visit to:www.ppc-profit\marketer.com. . A lead is usually just someone that fills out a form on their site usually for a quote of some sort. It is not hard to get people to fill out a free form.

Commission Junction, Link share and Apogee are among a few affiliate networks you can use to find these kinds of programs. I suggest you build your site around these products, you should build a comparison or review based site so you can give people options. Of course, you will make money regardless of which offer they decide to take as the programs you are reviewing are all your affiliate programs. When applying for these programs make sure your site looks very professional and informative and relevant as many of these affiliate programs are from fortune 500 companies so they are very picky about whom to accept.

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